Article Header Design: “Uranium for the U.S. Nuclear Renaissance: Meeting Unprecedented Requirements – Part 1”
The Context ⭕ This is the design I created for The Red Team Analysis Society article [?? ??] titled: “Uranium for the U.S. Nuclear Renaissance: Meeting Unprecedented Requirements – Part 1” This design is the Seventh in the Uranium Series, following “Towards a U.S. Nuclear Renaissance?”. The U.S. has planned for a Nuclear Renaissance. It…
Article Header Design: “Towards a U.S. Nuclear Renaissance?”
The Context ⭕ This is the design I created for The Red Team Analysis Society article [?? ??] titled: “Towards a U.S. Nuclear Renaissance?” This design is the Sixthin the Uranium Series, following “Niger: a New Severe Threat for the Future of France’s Nuclear Energy?”. On 30 September 2024, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)…
Article Header Design: “Niger: a New Severe Threat for the Future of France’s Nuclear Energy?”
The Context ⭕ This is the design I created for The Red Team Analysis Society article [?? ??] titled: “Niger: a New Severe Threat for the Future of France’s Nuclear Energy?” This design is the Fifth in the Uranium Series, following “Revisiting Uranium Supply Security”. France has lost 47% of its potential uranium reserves. It…
Article Header Design: “Revisiting Uranium Supply Security”
The Context ⭕ This is the design I created for The Red Team Analysis Society article [?? ??] titled: “Revisiting Uranium Supply Security” This design is the Fourth in the Uranium Series, following “The Future of Uranium Demand – China’s Surge”. In December 2023, twenty-two governments and the nuclear industry decided to treble nuclear energy…
Article Header Design: “The Future of Uranium Demand – China’s Surge”
The Context ⭕ This is the design I created for The Red Team Analysis Society article [?? ??] titled: “The Future of Uranium Demand – China’s Surge” This design is the Third in the Uranium Series, following “Uranium and the Renewal of Nuclear Energy”. As the world is poised to make the effort to treble…
Article Header Design: “Uranium and the Renewal of Nuclear Energy”
The Context ⭕ This is the design I created for The Red Team Analysis Society article [?? ??] titled: “Uranium and the Renewal of Nuclear Energy” This design is the Second in the Uranium Series, following “The Return of Nuclear Energy”. The December 2023 “Declaration to Triple Nuclear Energy by 2050”, signed by 22 states,…
Article Header Design: “The Return of Nuclear Energy”
The Context ⭕ This is the design I created for The Red Team Analysis Society article [?? ??] titled: “The Return of Nuclear Energy” On March 21, 2024, thirty two heads of states and governments and special envoys met in Brussels for a summit with a very high level attendance. This meeting was the first…
Article Header Design: “The Chinese Fishing Fleet, Influence and Hunger Wars”
The Context ⭕ This is the design I created for The Red Team Analysis Society article [?? ??] titled : “The Chinese Fishing Fleet, Influence and Hunger Wars” In the current context of war, energy & food supremacy and water resources, the seas and oceans are a crucial and strategic stake for influencing global hegemony.…
Article Header Design: “Early Warning for Individuals and Small Businesses – Overcoming Energy Insecurity”
The Context ⭕ Here is the new design I created for The Red Team Analysis Society about the article [?? ??] titled: “Early Warning for Individuals and Small Businesses – Overcoming Energy Insecurity” The energy crisis and the scarcity of resources are becoming an increasingly important topic. Its origins are multifactorial (Global warming, War, Unpreparedness,…
The Hackathon of the French Defence Forum
Designing the Future of French Air Force ?? I participated in the Hackathon REDAero organized by the Agence de l’innovation de défense during the Forum Innovation de Défense (French Defense Innovation Forum) which was held last November. The problematic posed by this Hackathon was as follows: “Imagine a system / process / method allowing the…
Thank you very much for your comment coming from an IT expert, Nouha!