The Context
⭕ In a previous article, I have presented the Art Direction and Narrative Design I created for The Red Team Analysis Society and their artificial intelligence models calibrated specifically to respond to the different stages of early warning ; namely : Pithia, Calvin, Kai, Regina and Aria. Here I present you the Sixth one : Sphinx and expose why it is different and why it required a completely different Art Direction.
In the same way as the five previous AIs, I designed the Character of Sphinx with the same Narrative Design method intended to convey the essence of its function; which one is it ? : to be your personal Devil’s Advocate.
For Sphinx is an AI that was created to shake up your certainties, challenge your beliefs and test your hypotheses in a contradictory way. Meaning that Sphinx will systematically take the opposite view of your assertions by bringing you a radically opposite point of view. This is essential in Early Warning and Strategic Foresight which must escape preconceived ideas and prejudices by being exposed to a form of uncompromising refutation.
The Naming Process of Sphinx through Narrative Design and Storytelling
The principle of this AI is that it does not work in a “conventional” way: meaning that, rather than providing you with answers to your questions, it will force you to question yourself… or even ask you questions right away to test your argument.
SPHINX – The Devil’s Advocate

The idea of an enigmatic and interrogative entity proposing a reflection to the interlocutor, made me think of the Sphinx, who, in Greek mythology questioned passers-by by proposing to them a riddle relating to their own existence, as in the myth of Oedipus.
In addition, the Sphinx of Egyptian mythology has the function of Guardian of the Mysteries which prohibits the profane from accessing the Temple and its secrets; which emulates the function of access to knowledge reserved for the initiate alone, who will have to demonstrate introspection and the ability to question themselves, which is exactly the role of this AI.
The name Sphinx was therefore coherent and logical in both substance and form. Unlike the other AIs, this name did not respond to the Acronym system that I had set up for the other AIs, it perfectly symbolized a function separate from the others. And, as a result, Sphinx also had to have a slightly different Art Direction to mark its particularity.
The Art Direction of the Sphinx AI Character
It was necessary to keep the same unisex aspect of the 3D model chosen to remain consistent with the graphic charter of the other AIs of The Red Team Analysis Society. I therefore only acted, as a first step, on the color of the metal, by giving it a Sand shade.
The Sand evokes both the immensity of the desert and the horizon, questioning the traveler about his destination and offering him an infinity of invisible paths, but warning him against the mirages he will encounter. The mirages generated by society, by external opinions… or those generated by the traveler himself.
The color of Sand also evokes Egyptian buildings whitened by time which, sooner or later, will return to dust. The Sand questions us about the eternity of our certainties and beliefs.
But this Sand color, under metallic aspects, also takes on the appearance of Bronze. It evokes the Age of the First Metals, the first industries and the first civilizations: if we escape the mirages of the desert, then perhaps we will manage to forge the solid foundations of our own argument? And therefore, of our future civilization?
Sometimes, the Devil’s Advocate is our best defender because he is also our Angel Prosecutor who does not suffer from any hypocrisy or pretense. This is why, unlike the other AIs, his gaze is Emerald Green: this color embodies both the mystery of the alchemical Emerald Tablet whose secrets of the universe can only be revealed to the Initiate alone; but Green also represents the color of the Oasis and the reborn vegetation of the Future Paradise that we will be able to build, once all the mirages have dissipated.
The Design of the Article Header
Sphinx appears, enigmatic, as if he were casting his questioning green gaze from left to right… or is it the opposite? Because Sphinx takes everything in reverse and on contradictory terms to better destabilize you and help you evolve.
His face is like the one of an ancient, unfathomable Egyptian statue, flanked by two stone sphinxes, leaving no doubt as to his dual identity, both Guardian and Riddler.
The background is saturated in the upper part with falling lines of indecipherable and cryptic computer codes, falling like rain on the Sphinxes. Their aura of lucidity gradually transforms them into Rosetta Stone: the clarity of the Initiatory Mystery is a little more accessible because Sphinx breaks it down in equivalences of signs and symbols through his questions… but only your sincerity of introspection will ultimately be able to decode it completely.
Sphinx will give you several keys… but will you be wise enough to choose the one that will open the door you want to go through?

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Check the latest comments!
Thank you very much for your comment coming from an IT expert, Nouha!
Very interesting article and excellent choice for th Sphinx!!
Splendid as always! And also this showcase the very broad scope of your design skills!
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