
Who are you?

What is your Story?

What is your Story?

What is your Story?

What is your Story?

What is your Audience?

What is your Audience?

What is your Audience?

What is your Audience?

What is your Context?

What is your Context?

What is your Context?

What is your Context?

What are you Not?

What are you Not?

What are you Not?

What are you Not?

Most people believe that solutions that work for others work for them. They focus on the success of the outcome of such or such strategy, branding or storytelling but not on its origin and its context.

It’s like saying that if all Dutch people get around by bike, then bike is the ideal vehicle. And therefore, all Tuaregs in the desert should get around by bike. Here, the nomadic way of life and the culture of the Tuaregs (the origin) as well as their desert environment (the context) are not taken into account.

The relevance of the consulting I practice takes less into account what you want (or think you want) than what you need.

But to know your needs, I have to know your history, your background, what you are and what you are not.

I can respond to a specific problem in art direction, branding, scenario, coherence, scripting, game design and any form of coherent system as long as you present it to me in a clear way… which is already a challenge in itself.

Because if you cannot formulate clearly your origin, your history, your context or your ambition, then your questions cannot be formulated clearly either.

I can help you to figure out clearly the real questions.

In short, let’s first clearly determine who you are, then we will know what you need.

I have met Jean-Dominique Lavoix-Carli in completely surprising circumstances. In fact, chance, or rather a call for tender from the Ministry of the French Armed Forces, brought us together to imagine the unimaginable in terms of crisis scenarios.

On one hand, a former soldier immersed in current crises or even chained to reality ; on the other hand, a science fiction author and designer inspired by another dimension. How to believe that the carp and the rabbit could find a common point….

And yet. From Jean-Dominique, I remember a mind curious about everything, an abundant creativity and an ability to go back and forth incessantly between today’s world and the threats it is unable to imagine.

After having been around Jean-Dominique, the quote attributed to Paul Valéry has never seemed so enlightening to me: « It is about making of us men ready to face what has never been ».

Général (2S) Didier Castres – Senior Adviser – ESL & NetworkAncien Sous-chef d’Etat-Major Opérations de l’Elysée (French Presidency)

What do you need?

A need for Comprehension?

A need for Comprehension?

A need for Comprehension?

A need for Comprehension?

A need for Completion?

A need for Completion?

A need for Completion?

A need for Completion?

A need for Amelioration?

A need for Amelioration?

A need for Amelioration?

A need for Amelioration?

A need for Invention?

A need for Invention?

A need for Invention?

A need for Invention?

Once the framework has been set, we can together determine your real needs through a precise analysis of your problem, for example:

Are you asking the right questions? : “Do you really need to drastically change your logo or would a simple revamping suffice?”

Are you limiting your perception filter? : “Is your branding the real problem or the structure of your sales page on the internet?”

What is the origin of your desire for change? : “Do you want this type of storytelling because it is fashionable or because it suits you?”

Are you the victim of a cognitive bias? : “Does your Theme Park bring added value compared to all the other Theme Parks?”

Are you consistent with yourself? : “Do the protagonists of your apocalyptic Video Game have a coherent appearance with the environment in which they evolve?”

The type of advice I can provide covers the following topics :

  • Graphic and Visual Consistency
  • Game Consistency and Gameplay
  • Narrative and Scenario Coherence
  • Ergonomics and UX/UI
  • Any complex and coherent system whose components can be defined in a simplified way

Imagination is Imagine Action

Understand the Problems

Understand the Problems

Understand the Problems

Understand the Problems

Federate Teams

Federate Teams

Federate Teams

Federate Teams

Channel the Talents

Channel the Talents

Channel the Talents

Channel the Talents

Imagine Solutions

Imagine Solutions

Imagine Solutions

Imagine Solutions

The Consulting that I practice allows me to stem from the core of several disciplines that I master. And all of them have one thing in common : Imagination.

And Imagination is to imagine action. That is, designing an abstract possibility within a given framework that will be transformed into concrete action.

The skills I use to solve a problem can be visual, narrative, gaming or conceptual.

For example, these skills allowed me to imagine a kerosene saving system for army aircrafts ; as they allowed me to imagine a prototype of roleplaying theme park with its rules and its costumes.

The plasticity of imagination can be applied to an almost infinite variety of themes as long as the framework and the issues are clearly defined.

Consulting can take several forms (visio, face-to-face) and according several protocols : collective (teamwork, team coaching) or individual (coaching, advice).