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Interview with a Compeer #2 : MTI Experience – “Nostalgia, the Quest for Innovation”

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Interview with a Compeer #2 : MTI Experience – “Nostalgia, the Quest for Innovation”

The Context

▶️ In March 2023, the Master Management of Technology and Innovation (MTI) in Paris invited me as a speaker for their yearly conference

The Master MTI is a degree of the University Dauphine / PSL of Paris, the Ecole des Mines de Paris and the INSTN…

The Theme of that year was : « Nostalgia ».

Four Experts in different fields were invited, each being located at four different places across the « Map of Nostalgia »…

Each of us had to respond to the inquiries of a young seeker, named Céka, who was travelling across that Map, searching for answers.

As a Design expert specialized in Foresight, I answered her questions…

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The Event

The event revolved around four major questions linked to the concept of Nostalgia, concerning a specific field of expertise. Four specialized experts intervened during the event, each in their field of expertise.

The scenography of the event symbolized a form of  “Initiatory Journey” or “Rite of Passage”  of the seeker – “Céka” – who met, in turn, each of these experts and dialogued with them in a “metaphorical place” on the “Map of Nostalgia”. Each place symbolizing both her questioning and the field of expertise concerned.

At the end of each interview, Eduardo – the Ringmaster – gave a fragment of parchment to Céka, allowing her to continue her quest ; ultimately allowing her to resolve all of her questions concerning Nostalgia.

The Experts and the Locations on the Map

In order of appearance and by symbolic location on the map:

The Cabinet: Paola Scemama-Ittah (Neuropsychologist) answered on the psychological and neuropsychiatric origins and influences of Nostalgia over the mind.

The Factory: Alexandra Vignolles (Marketing Specialist) answered on the influences of Nostalgia over branding and marketing innovations.

The Studio: Emma Bonneaud (Musician) answered on the influences of Nostalgia on Art and Music.

The Lair: It is in this fourth part that I intervened via video -posing as an “Artificial Intelligence Entity”- as a Design Expert, specialized in foresight and warning, over three main questions:

1What is your vision of Nostalgia correlated to your field of expertise?

2Why use the Past to build the Future as they seem contradictory?

3How can we build a desirable Future through Foresight and Warning? What are the desirable issues for our civilization?

The entire Event with the Four Speakers can be accessed here : MTI experience | Nostalgia: the quest for innovation” or watch directly the video below:

MTI experience | Nostalgia: the Quest for Innovation (Complete Conference)

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